As I was passing by this world....I encounted planet EARTH inhibitants...and I wondered what they were up to? what their intentions were? why they behaved the way they behaved....interesting ALIEN! THESE ALIENS HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS ......

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Am No Doctor-But Bad Breath Out of Nose is a Grave Concern

Halitosis (bad smelling breath) usually comes from the mouth because that's where it's produced: bad breath out of nose passages may be sign that something more complicated is going on. Most sources agree that the hydrogen sulfide smell so typical of halitosis is caused by the production of volatile sulfur compounds by bacteria living in the moth. When air is expelled from the mouth, the odor is detected. When air is expelled from the nose, the air comes from the lungs and bypasses the mouth, so it's unusual for air coming from the nostrils to smell bad.

Bad breath coming thru the nose is more likely to originate in the nose, sinuses, or throat, or even more unusually, from the lungs, lower airways or stomach. The first step is to confirm the existence of bad breath out of nose passages - your sense of smell might be off due to a viral infection or anything else that causes sinus irritation. Are you suffering from dry nose, allergies, a cold, or anything else that might be affecting your sense of smell? Your bad nose breath may be an illusion - have a good friend confirm that it's real before you overreact.

Bad breath out of nose passages may be caused by a blockage or obstruction in the nasal passages that is preventing normal airflow and drainage. Individuals, especially small children, sometimes push objects into their nostrils that may then become lodged in the airway. Swimmers may inadvertently inhale objects in water if they take in water through the nose. Occasionally undigested food gets lodged in the sinuses when an individual vomits. Any of these things can set up a situation that will result in bad breath coming through the nose.

Bad nose breath can also be a result of infection in the nose or sinuses, or even in the throat or lungs. Infection, however, seldom happens without other symptoms. If the person experiencing bad breath out of nose passages has swelling, redness, heat, or pain in the sinuses, an infection may be brewing, and a doctor should be consulted. Similarly, lung and throat infection typically also cause pain and fever. Bad breath coming thru the nose is an incidental sign of these infections that is distant from the infection itself.

Some medical conditions can result in bad breath out of nose passages; however, the odor noted in these cases is usually different from the typical hydrogen sulfide smell of halitosis. Some malignancies (cancer) of the airways can cause an odor, as can kidney and liver disease, and ketoacidosis (a serious complication of diabetes). Again, though bad breath coming thru the nose is noted, the odor comes from elsewhere. See your doctor if you notice bad nose breath and there is no obvious reason for it, especially if you are feeling at all unwell

Monday, July 27, 2009

Best and Worst Foods for Your Libido

It's no secret that the unhealthy American diet is contributing to an epidemic of obesity. But there's another hidden epidemic that our fatty diets are at the root of: a national libido crisis.
One of the big culprits, for both men and women, is obesity. As a person's weight soars, their libido plummets, due to biochemical changes that diminish blood flow. Extra weight also hinders their ability to have children—with men, it's damaged sperm; with women, it's ovulation problems. (Manage your weight with more than just food intake
The good news: With some simple changes to your diet, courtesy of the latest research from Eat This, Not That!, you can revitalize your relationship and dramatically improve your health.

162 calories
11 g fat (6 g saturated)
10 g sugars

Chocolate is full of anandamide and phenylethylamine, two compounds that cause the body to release the same feel-good endorphins triggered by sex and physical exertion. Cocoa also contains methylxanthines, which make skin sensitive to every touch. Aim for dark chocolate, which packs more cocoa than lighter milk chocolates, and keep portions small.

White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, since it doesn't contain any actual cocoa—which means no heightened skin sensitivity, or rush of the feel-good hormone serotonin.

414 calories
24 g fat (10 g saturated)
46 g protein

Protein has been shown to naturally boost levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemicals in the brain that heighten sensitivity during sex. Your steak is also packed with zinc—a mineral that boosts libido by reducing production of a hormone called prolactin, which may interfere with arousal.


While the caffeine and sky-high sugar content will initially leave you bursting with energy, you're setting yourself up for a major crash not far down the line. Additionally, Canadian scientists found that maintaining a diet high in sugar can temporarily lower your testosterone levels, which in turn can sap your sex drive—whether you're a man or a woman. See, the more testosterone you have, the higher your arousal levels. Too much sugar sends your T into hibernation—and your libido along with it.

137 calories
7 g fat (4 g saturated)
14 g sugars
2 g protein

Ice cream has high levels of calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that build your muscles' energy reserves and boost your libido. All that calcium—200 milligrams in the typical bowl—can also make you more sexually charged, since the muscles that control sexual response need calcium in order to contract properly.


They're great for you in other ways, but tomatoes' lycopene and phytofluene can decrease testosterone levels. The effect isn't dramatic, but you may be better off skipping the marinara sauce if you want to get saucy.

40 calories
10 g carbs
7 g sugars

Forget Viagra. Mother Nature's original blue potency capsules may do even more for you. Blueberries are high in soluble fiber, which helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood before it gets absorbed and deposited on artery walls. Blueberries also relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. For maximum potency and performance, eat a serving of blueberries at least three or four times a week.

Not That!SODA

Soda pop will sap your sex drive. Too much sugar will lead to spikes and crashes in your blood glucose, ultimately sapping your testosterone levels (and your libido).

Friday, July 17, 2009

Diabetes~Home Remedies

"My diet from today will be RED WINE , Bitter gourd , olive oil, asparagus +......"

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder found mostly among obese people. This condition causes increase in the blood sugar since it prevents the metabolism from using glucose resulting in the raised concentration of glucose in the blood. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas does not produce the hormone insulin, which is responsible for controlling glucose levels in blood. Type- I Diabetes occurs when thepancreas cannot produce enough insulin and another type of diabetes disease, which is called type- II diabetes when the body becomes resistant to insulin. As it may cause various other health complications, it is essential to treat diabetes and you can try a few time tested home remedies to keep the disease in control.

After establishing itself as a heart-friendly drink, red wine is now once again ready to be there on your dining table; this time as an antidote to diabetes. Obviously, good news for millions of people, constantly bearing blows of this debilitating disease. Credit to shovel out this fact goes to new study showing that chemical called, resveratrol—found in the skins of red grapes and in red wine – significantly improves the sensitivity of mice to insulin. Moreover, it (resveratrol) was found activating the SIRT1 enzyme – known for increasing longevity, DNA repair, and insulin secretion. These findings nurture a hope for diabetes-afflicted people, by confirming that in near future red wine might play a significant role in fighting diabetes, which currently is supposed to be engulfing around 170 million people worldwide.

Home remedies for diabetes mellitus
Bitter gourd is found to be an effective home remedies for diabetes mellitus. Due to its insulin-like properties, it efficiently reduces the blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd juice taken in an empty stomach and bitter gourd powder can be added to the diabetic diet. Bitter gourd decoction, which is got by boiling the pieces in water, can effectively diabetes mellitus treatment. Using olive oil in your cooking may help you control blood sugar levels. Olive oil can be used in salad dressings and for other cooking purposes. This is a good home remedy for diabetes mellitus. Vitamin c - rich Indian gooseberry helps the pancreas secrete insulin. Gooseberry juice is particularly effective when taken in combination of bitter gourd juice to fight diabetes successfully. This is one of the effective natural remedy for diabetes mellitus. Steamed asparagus drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice is a mild diuretic, which is a very good home remedies for diabetes mellitus .

Jambul fruit, juice and its seeds are beneficial in treating diabetes. The bark of the tree is burnt, powdered and used in treating diabetic patients. This powder is consumed in combination of amla powder and bitter gourd powder. This is one of the useful diabetes mellitus remedy. Parsley and watercress may act as a diuretic as well as lower blood sugar levels and hence may be helpful to diabetic patients. This is one of the best diabetes mellitus treatment. Another effective diabetes mellitus remedy are grapefruits can effectively fight diabetes. It is advised to eat at least three fruits a day if you want to save yourself from diabetes disease. Fenugreek seeds are also found to be effective in controlling diabetes. When consumed daily, fenugreek seeds can help balance blood sugar levels.

Bengal gram is found to be effective in controlling blood glucose levels of the diabetic patients. This is particularly helpful since Bengal gram increase the utilization of glucose and the insulin dependency of the diabetic patients was considerably reduced. This is one of the useful home remedies for diabetes mellitus.
Black gram eaten in combination of bitter gourd juice and honey is useful in combating the malnutrition that may arise in a diabetic diet. Mango leaves are boiled in water and the leaves are squeezed well to get a decoction. This decoction can be can be ingested every morning to fight against diabetes. Moreover, mango leaves can be dried and powdered and can be eaten everyday to treat diabetes patients. This is a good diabetes mellitus cure.
Parslane seeds can be taken with water every morning to increase body insulin levels. Onion, garlic and cucumber can be great home remedies for diabetes mellitus. Bilberry is effective in controlling blood sugar levels. This is a best natural remedy for diabetes mellitus. Essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, lavender and tea tree oil can be used to decrease stress and cope up with the diabetic condition.

Type - 1 and Type - 2 Diabetes mellitus
Patients affected by type – I diabetes can take dosage of insulin on everyday basis. This will help to balance the blood glucose levels. Type – II diabetes patients can control their glucose levels by keeping their weight under control with a balanced diet and regular exercise regime. Diabetes disease can be controlled only by a strict diet and regular insulin supplements. If diabetes is left untreated, it may cause heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney diseases and many more illness. Diabetes condition may also lead to blindness, nerve disease and may cause stroke and impotence.----SO LETS TAKE CARE…..HAHAHAHA

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

crying in childhood~give them a break...don’t shout at them….

Humans have developed many different ways to communicate with each other. Some of these include facial expressions, hand gestures, body posturing, and the use of sound. Many species, including fish, reptiles, insects, birds, and mammals, use these same techniques. Humans, however, use sound to communicate much more than other species do. The use of language is one major factor that separates man from the rest of the animal world.

Why do children cry?Crying is one way that humans express their emotions. It is one of the most effective ways a child who cannot speak communicates with others. Infants and young children cry for many reasons. As children mature into adults, crying occurs less often, and the reasons for crying become more specific. It is often not clear why children are crying. It is a caregiver's job to figure out why a child is crying and to relieve the underlying distress, if possible.

Toddlers (children from 12 to 36 months old) often cry out of frustration or as an assertion of independence. This stage of life can be very frustrating for many young children. Toddlers have a strong need to assert their independence. This is the way they learn the rules of the family and society.

This need to be independent, along with being stubborn and having a shortage of other options, lead toddlers into conflict with their parents. It can result in the toddler being frustrated at not having his or her way. This frustration is expressed through crying and temper tantrums. Slowly, the toddler learns the family rules, becomes more independent, and develops his or her use of language.

As his or her needs and feelings come to be expressed verbally, the young child uses crying less often to communicate. Although it can be difficult, caregivers should be patient with toddlers. Adults should expect to have to repeat and reinforce the rules for toddlers many times. It helps to keep rules simple so that the toddler can easily understand them.

Spending time with a toddler doing what he or she wants to do gives the child some control. If a toddler is crying out of frustration, he or she should be soothed. Toddlers should not necessarily get their way if what they want is not appropriate. Crying that does not respond to soothing can be handled by putting the toddler in a brief time out. The rules should then be restated when the child has quieted himself or herself and is allowed to return to activities.

Some children cry as a response to physical illness. Children cry when they are in pain from an injury or illness. Injuries are usually obvious. But the source of pain may not be so apparent in a child who cannot talk, or one who is younger than 2 or 3 years old.

Ear infections are a common cause of pain in young children. These occur more often in the winter months and if a child has a cold with nasal or throat inflammation . Frequent crying at night that disrupts a child's sleep is a common sign of ear infection. A caregiver should call the child's healthcare professional if the child is crying and has at least one of these symptoms:
• a temperature above 100.5 degrees F (38 degrees C)
• sore throat
• stiff neck
• drowsiness
• severe headache
• vomiting

Children sometimes use crying as a way to get an adult's attention. A child learns this if an adult attends to him or her every time he or she cries. After infancy, or the first year of life, children can learn to comfort and quiet themselves when they go to bed and when they are not ill. At bedtime, it helps to put children in their own cribs while they are still awake. This prevents them from thinking that they cannot go to sleep without an adult being with them.

Sometimes children wake in the night for a diaper change or feeding. These should be done gently but quickly, with just enough light to accomplish the task. Talking and touching should be kept to a minimum. Nighttime is not the time for an adult to be an entertainer. That should be saved for daytime. Brief periods of crying will not harm a child. Young children should get enough affection, approval, and attention during the daytime to meet their needs for feeling loved and accepted. They do not need reassurance of this in the middle of the night.
Adults can learn not to respond to daytime crying that is directed at getting their attention. The adult should not respond in anger or with punishment to the crying. This type of negative attention accomplishes the child's goal. Rather, the adult can say, "Crying is not a good way to get my attention. If you want me to spend time with you, please ask me in your normal voice."

If the child does not quickly respond, the adult should then ignore the child and do something else. When the child has quieted himself or herself, the adult should say something like, "I'm proud that you were able to quiet yourself. It is much more fun to be with you when you are not crying. Now, what is it you wanted to do with me?" It is very helpful for the adult to acknowledge when the child seeks attention without crying. The adult might say to the child something like, "I'd love to do that, and I love it when you ask without crying."
Children cry more if they are irritable. However irritability, like crying, is merely a symptom of a problem. There are many reasons why a child may be irritable. He or she may be sleep deprived if he or she has trouble sleeping. Persistent mouth breathing and difficulty breathing through the nose when the child does not have a cold may indicate breathing problems while sleeping.

Many children have television sets, phones and personal computers in their bedrooms. Children can become sleep deprived and irritable because they are up late entertaining themselves or talking to their friends. This is especially true of school-aged children. School-aged children, especially those in middle school and high school, can be involved in so many activities that they can be irritable from lack of adequate sleep.
A child can also be irritable if he or she is having problems at school, trouble with friends, or if there is a lot of stress and tension in the home. Some children who live with a chronically irritable parent can learn irritability as a way of life. Sometimes a child is irritable in most settings. Sometimes he or she is involved with "the wrong crowd," is abusing drugs or alcohol, is sexually promiscuous, or is involved in antisocial behavior. In these cases, the parent should not hesitate to seek help from a professional trained in counseling.

Adolescents may cry because of the stress associated with hormonal changes, emotionally charged events, or the struggle for independence from parents. In many ways, young adolescence is like a return of toddlerhood. As with the toddler, the young adolescent is struggling to become independent from his or her parents. This is often expressed at home by the young teen being irritable, short tempered and by crying after only minor provocation. The situation is made worse by the physical and hormonal changes the child is experiencing.
An adolescent is trying to figure out who he or she is, how the world works, and who is boss. The struggle for independence, along with the physical and hormonal changes, can make a child very emotional. Parents can be reassured if they hear that their child is happy and well mannered at school, in activities, and at the homes of friends. These are places where the adolescent is with peers and is there by choice.

Sometimes, crying is a symptom of depression. Children often do not exhibit the classic adult symptoms of depression, namely sadness, difficulty sleeping, appetite change, or loss of motivation. Rather, children who are depressed will be irritable, angry, or fearful. They may cry or act out a lot. Younger children usually become depressed in response to significant, adverse changes in their social environment.
Older adolescents are more likely to show the classic signs of depression. This is most common in children who have family members, especially within the immediate family, who suffer from depression. Parents with children showing these symptoms should talk to the healthcare professional They can also seek a referral to a mental health counselor who works with children and adolescents.

Usually, children who are healthy and live in nurturing environments are happy and content most of the time. Chronic crying and irritability are not normal for a healthy child. A child who cries or is irritable most of the time should be seen by a healthcare professional. If the cause seems to be clearly related to issues in the child's social environment, attempts should be made to get to the root of these issues and correct them.

Ciri-ciri isteri yang baik menurut Islam

Last week I was honored to receive a visit by Prof. Dr Abdul Aziz and family, at my “neutral ground reception”, to ask for the hands in marriage of my eldest daughter Alia, to his young and ambitious diplomat son Azril Aziz. I hosted a dinner for my guest at the pool side of the KL Hilton, attended by their immediate family members including my youngest Auntie and Hubby, being the elder to the family in KL. The dinner signifies an official engagement for Azril & Alia.

To Azril & Alia, Congratulation on your engagement and I hope you will guide Alia to be a gracious wife to support you during the course of your diplomatic duty. To Alia, papa hopes you learn from history and continue to be mentally active and to support your husband-to-be in his course of diplomatic duty.

WOW…. How time flies, my eldest daughter getting married! That means I have step up to the next paradigm in life…..BUT believe me I am still young at heart and some are surprise that I have a daughter of marrying age! Thanks to my little hyper active Fatini & Emir and super demanding, understanding and very very very supportive wife….hehehe!

This is for Azril & Alia………. Lead your life graciously and always strive to live a life yang berhemah tinggi

Ciri-ciri isteri yang baik menurut Islam

Isteri yang baik secara total akan mudah melahirkan rumahtangga bahagia tetapi sebaliknya isteri yang tidak memahami akan tanggungjawabnya sudah pasti akan melahirkan rumahtangga yang kucar-kacir.

Kita sedar dan faham rumahtangga yang bahagia lahir daripada isteri yang soleh, jiran yang baik dan kenderaan yang sempurna. Dan wanita adalah penentu buruk baik sesebuah masyarakat. Manakala masyarakat yang baik pula lahir daripada rumahtangga dan keluarga yang bahagia. Wanita dengan sifat kehalusan yang dianugerah oleh Allah s.w.t. bersesuaian sekali sebagai pengasuh, pendidik anak-anak, pembimbing dan juga penghibur hati suami.

Daripada sifat semula jadi dengan kehalusan ini jika dididik dan diasuh serta dihalusi hatinya sejak awal-awal agar kematangan berfikir dan tingkah laku yang mulia sebagai persiapan seorang isteri yang soleh, sudah pasti berhasil. Rumahtangga bahagia boleh diasaskan oleh isteri akhlakul karimah perlulah memenuhi tanggungjawab yang digariskan dalam tuntutan yang pembetukan rumahtangga yang bahagia. Tanggungjawab ini perlulah benar-benar difahami, dihayati dan dilaksanakan agar cita-cita untuk melahirkan rumahtangga bahagia terhasil.

1. Taat dan kasih kepada Allah dan Rasul
Ketaatan kepada Allah akan jelas dilihat dari segala perintah dan larangan yang telah ditetapkan dipatuhi dengan sesungguhnya. Perintah dan larangan ini tergambar dengan jelas sebagaimana yang dibawakan oleh Rasulullah s.w.a. Ketaatan yang tidak berbelah bagi dengan sendirinya kan melahirkan disanubari perasaan kasih kepadanya.

Firman Allah dalam surah At-Taubah ayat 24 yang bermaksud. "Katakan: Kalau bapa-bapamu, anak-anakmu, saudara-saudaramu, isteri-isterimu, kaum keluargamu, kekayaan yang kamu peroleh, perniagaan yang kamu khuatiri akan rugi dan tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai; kalau semua itu kamu cintai lebih dari Allah dan Rasulnya dan dari berjuang di jalan Allah, tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan perintah-Nya. Dan Allah tidak memberikan petunjuk kepada kaum yang fasik."

Jelas kepada kita bahawa ketaatan kepada Allah s.w.t. akan menelurkan kasih dan cinta yang tidak ternilai di sisi manusia. Ketaatan dan cinta kepada Allah ini bukanlah mudah diperolehi sekirannya persediaan kearah itu disambilewakan. Pendidikan jiwa supaya beriman sesungguhnya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, perlulah dididik sejak awal lagi. Didikan ini akan menjadi benteng dan memahami akan batas-batas yang dilarang dan dibolehkan dalam ugama. Keimanan yang kukuh, perbuatan yang soleh dan mengikut ketetapan yang ditentukan dengan sendirinya secara mudah akan dapat melawan hawa nafsu lahiriah dan bathiniah.
" Dan kalau kamu hitung nikmat Allah, niscaya tidak dapat kamu menghitungnya.," An-Nahl ayat 18. Daripada rasa kenikmatan yang diberikan oleh-Nya yang tidak terkira akan memahami betapa hamba sangat-sangat memerlukan kepada Khaliknya. Sifat ihsan dengan sendiri mengonkong diri insan; kerana sifat wanita biasanya tidak akan puas dengan panorama duniawi.

2. Akhlak mulia dan sempurna sebelum kecantikan
Kita fahami bahawa Allah tidak memandang paras rupa (kecantikan) sesaorang tetapi akhlak yang mulia menjadi nilaian yang kukuh disisiNya. Akhlak mulia dan sempurna menjadi pakaian yang kekal manakala kecantikan akan luntur dimakan atau dimamah usia. Tetapi kiranya kecantikan ini dapat diadunkan dengan akhlak yang mulia sudah tentu ia adalah pilihan utama setiap insan. Untuk melahirkan wanita yang berakhlak baik perlulah dididik dan diasuh dengan nilai-nilai yang begitu rupa agar meninggikan lagi taraf kamanusian dan sekaligus membezakannya dengan sifat kehaiwanan.

Isteri yang berakhlak mulia dengan mudah dapat memahami akan bentuk-bentuk pakaian yang harus dikenakan pada tubuhnya dalam keadaan tertentu; dapat mengawal perkataan-perkataan yang maaruf ketika berbicara dan mengetahui akan batas-batas bergaul sesama rakan, suami, keluarga dan juga saudara-mara yang lainnya.

Di samping itu segala tindakannya mempunyai perbezaan dengan wanita yang tidak soleh. Ia tidak gemar membeli tanpa izin suaminya, apatah lagi penjualan dengan cara berhutang sepertimana kaedah sistem belian pati yang berluasa sekarang. Ia lebih mirip kepada kemaksiatan daripada yang maaruf. Juga tidak bertindak menggunakan harta dan wang suami tanpa izinnya. Sekiranya tidak mencukupi maka ambillah secara yang maaruf sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh isteri Abu Sufian; Rasulullah menasihatkan agar mengambil dengan maaruf dan yang berhajat sahaja. Isteri yang soleh juga akan mudah mengawal harta benda suami ketika ketiadaan-Nya

3. Mengambil berat kewajipan rumahtangga dan berusaha memperbaikinya.
Wanita yang telah dididik sejak awal-awal lagi dengan akhlak yang mulia secara matang mengetahui akan persediaan berumahtangga dan memahami kewajipannya memperbaikinya dari masa ke semasa dengan patuh dari tunjuk-ajar suaminya.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. dari Ibnu Abbas r.a yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Abu Dawud, "Mahukah aku berikan kepadamu sebaik-baik benda yang disimpan Iaitu ialah wanita yang soleh. Apabila suaminya melihat kepadanya, girang dia; apabila suaminya perintah akan dia, taatlah ia padanya dan apabila suaminya meninggalkannya, ia akan memelihara nama baik suaminya."

Dari hadith di atas jelaslah kepada kita ukuran seorang isteri yang baik. Ia mampu melayani suami sebaik mungkin dalam segala bidang; ketaatan yang tidak berbelah-bagi asalkan yang diredai Allah s.w.t dan boleh mengawal harta benda dan nama baik suaminya ketika ketiadaannya. Ketaatan dan kepatuhan ini akan memudahkan penerimaan hidayah Allah s.w.t dan ketenangan hati suami dalam menjalani hidup berumahtangga. Dan sekaligus seolah-olah menjadi suatu simpanan yang sangat berharga bagi seorang lelaki berumahtangga apabila memiliki isteri yang baik budi pekerti atau perangainya dan mampu mengendalikan rumahtangga dengan baik.

Walaupun di dalam Islam tanggungjawab di dalam rumahtangga seperti menjaga anak-anak dan memasak serta lain-lain tidak diwajibkan sepenuhnya kepada isteri tetapi isteri yang soleh merasakan tanggungjawab ini biarlah ia yang menanggungnya. Kerana ia tidak mahu tangan orang lain mendodoikan anaknya ketika hendah tidur; tidak mahu tangan lain memasakkan makanan suaminya atau sebagainya dan memahami tugasnya adalah melayani suaminya semata-mata.

Isteri yang soleh sungguh cekap dan teratur melayani suaminya menjaga dan mendidik anak-anak, menyediakan makan minum keluarga, mengemas tempat tinggal dengan rapi dan lainya. Sedaya upaya berusaha memperbaiki kewajipan yang telah diamanahkan oleh suaminya. Isteri yang begini akan melahirkan rumahtangga yang tenteram, riang gembira dan menjadi rumahtangga contoh dalam masyarakat. Begitulah yang dikehendaki dalam Islam.

4. Malu dan taat
Sifat malu sememangnya lumrah bagi seorang wanita. Malu seorang isteri adalah hormat dan taat yang sebenarnya kepada suaminya, selagi suaminya taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Isteri akan diam semasa suami bercakap, membenarkan kata-katanya dan menghormati segala pesanannya. Bermuzakarah boleh juga diadakan tetapi ia perlu dikawal oleh akal kerana wanita itu berakal pendek walaupun mempunyai rambut yang panjang. Perbincangan yang mengikut nafsu syaitan dan sikap memberontak, menangi dan menghentak-hentak kaki yang akhirnya akan memporak-perandakan rumahtangga.

Hadith Rasulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh Termizi dan Ibnu Majah mengatakan. "Ketahuilah dan hendaklah kamu berpesan-pesan kepada kaum wanita dengan baik-baik, kerana sesungguhnya mereka itu tawanan bagi kamu, tidak ada kekuasaan sedikitpun bagimu daripada mereka itu selain yang demikian itu, kecuali jika mereka itu mendatangi/mengerjakan sesuatu kedurhakaan yang nyata. Maka jika mereka berlaku curang, berbuat durhaka, hendaklah kamu tinggalkan tempat tidurnya dan berilah pukulan yang tidak menyakitkan. Kemudian bila mereka taat dan patuh kepadamu, janganlah kamu cari jalan yang bukan-bukan untuk berbuat tidak senonoh kepada mereka. Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya bagi kamu ada suatu kewajipan atas isteri-isterimu, dan isteri-isterimu ada kewajipan ke atas kamu pula. Adapun kewajipanmu (suami) atas isteri-isterimu ialah bahawa mereka itu janganlah menginjakkan tempat tidurmu dengan orang yang tidak kamu sukai, dan mereka janganlah memperkenankan orang-orang yang kamu tidak sukai masuk ke rumahmu; dan kewajipan mereka (isteri) atas kamu ialah bahawa kamu hendaklah berbuat baik atas mereka itu dalam urusan pakaian dan makanan mereka."

Dengan ini jelas membuktikan bahawa sifat malu dan taat kepada suami masing-masing adalah perkara penting di dalam pergaulan berumahtangga. Ia perlu dijaga, diawasi dan dikawal agar jangan sampai berlaku yang tidak sesuai denga kewanitaannya dan dilarang oleh agama. Jadi perlulah isteri itu sedaya upaya mentaati dan meghormati suaminya kerana taat kepada suami bermakna taat kepda Allah s.w.t jua; dan murka suami bererti murkalah Allah kepadanya.

5. Mulia dan hormati ahli suami dan kerabatnya
Bermula selepas ijab & qabul, tugas dan tanggungjawab ibu bapa selama ini berpindah secara automatik ke bahu suami sepenuhnya. Dan sebagai seorang isteri, suamilah tempat ia bergantung kasih sayang.

Oleh itu tidak syak lagi seorang isteri itu menghormati akan ahli-ahli (adik-beradik) suami, saudara-mara dan kerabatnya mengikut batas yang tertentu. Dan perhubungan dan pertaliannya mempunyai had dan batas yang dibolehkan di dalam Islam. Kedatangan mereka terutama ibu bapanya perlulah disanjung dan hubungan ini perlu dititik-beratkan. Ada di kalangan keluarga Islam, perhubungan antara suami dan ibu bapanya renggang disebabkan oleh sikap isteri yang tidak menyenangkan orang tua suami.

Kadangkala isteri itu meminta barang-barang keperluan yang tidak dimampui oleh sisuami hingga membabitkan keluarganya akan juga menjadi punca perpecahan antara suami isteri dan kaum keluarganya. Memuliakan dan menghormati suami dan kaum kerabatnya merupakan satu tanggungjawab isteri yang baik.